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Steve Jobs

Updated: Jul 17, 2022

Date Of Birth


Date Of Death




Cause Of Death



Laurene Powell

Net Worth

$10.2 Billion


Lisa Brennan-Jobs, Eve Jobs, Reed Jobs, Erin Siena Jobs

Snippet Below:

Steve Jobs founded Apple on 01/04/1976 and with this new innovative company Steve Jobs pushed to re-innovate the tech industry making products like the Macintosh, Lisa, iPhone and the iPad.

Steve Jobs founded Apple with his best friend Steve Wozniak who helped build the PC's as Wozniak was an engineer and he knew code, where Steve was the leader of the entire operation.

The company was operating in Steve Jobs parent's garage where they had a small team of people operating to build motherboards. The company to date is the largest business in the world; it is the first and only business to hit 2 trillion dollars.

In 1985 Steve Jobs was removed from the CEO position at Apple as the board agreed that Steve was too immature to run a multi-million dollar company, instead they offered the position of leader of the Macintosh team to Steve. Steve was furious and left the company to found Next, a computer tech company made to compete against Apple.

Steve didn't return to Apple until 1996 as the company almost went bankrupted and went through several CEO's, the board decided to offer Steve his position as CEO back to save the company from bankruptcy. When Steve returned he fired every board member including John Sculley, a man Steve had hired to help with marketing.

John Sculley was the best in marketing as he was the man behind the Pepsi challenge. Steve Jobs hired John to help with marketing at Apple but what Steve didn't know, was that John Sculley would vote with the board to remove Steve as CE. This is why Steve fired John Sculley and the rest of the board when he returned as CEO in 1996.

iPhone presentation 2007 (Steve Jobs)

Famous Quotes

"I want to put a ding in the universe"

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."

"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."

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